Julie Schimpf, Special Events Coordinator, Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah, speaks of David Jeremiah’s coming to cities in the USA for rallies of encouragement (free tickets may be ordered at www.davidjeremiah.org/rallies). Focus here is given to his visit to St. Louis, MO the evening of Thursday, March 31, 2011 in the Chaifetz Arena of St. Louis (MO) University (www.thechaifetzarena.com). Radio sponsorship of the event is provided by Bott Radio Network (www.bottradioneetwork.com).
From www.davidjeremiah.org:
“Join Dr. Jeremiah and the Turning Point team for a night of encouragement! Participate in dynamic worship with special musical guests Charles Billingsley and Ian Oakley, hear exciting updates on Turning Point’s global outreach, and listen to Dr. Jeremiah bring a message of encouragement from the Word of God. Don’t miss this is unique opportunity to grow your faith and worship with a large community of believers!”