As an International Ambassador with Campus Crusade, one of Nancy Wilson’s journeys in 2002 took her to Kenya. Sixteen-year-old orphan George Gachara was among the many youth who responded to the invitation to receive Jesus by faith in repentance for forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
His father had left the family before George could remember him. Just a few years later, his mother died. “Fast forward” to the violence of the Kenyan elections in 2007 sparked by suspicions of corruption. More than 1,000 died as a result. A peace initiative led by George and two other youth ultimately led to 500,000 Kenyan youth signing a commitment to non-violence.
Nancy Wilson has adopted George in every way but legally, which included his admission into a very fine Kenyan college. In this radio conversation, George and Nancy laugh when they recall George arranging for her to speak to his college classmates … and of the big laugh the students had when George (very Kenyan -(, introduced Nancy (very white, blond American – before his college assembly as his “mother!” Nancy Wilson is now assisting George in hopes of his receiving scholarships for doing graduate studies in the USA.