When Jesus told His followers that they would be doing greater works than himself (John 14:12), He may have had in mind the kind of works being done at Galcom International Missionary Organization (www.galcom.org). Here Co-founder Rev. Allan McGuirl and CEO Tim Whitehead report Galcom’s producing more than 800,000 pocket solar radios that have been distributed to more than 125 countries. Some are even delivered by 5-pound capacity parachutes as in Columbia, South America. Powered by the sun or by artificial light, the pocket radios have their dials fixed so that only local Christian stations in the area can be heard.
Two recent remarkable addition are being added to the technology of the little radios: (1) a “chip” placed in each radio that contains the audio reading of the entire Bible in several translations; and (2) another “chip” that contains the entire 5 years of J. Vernon McGee’s teachings through the entire Bible … in many languages by readers indigenous to those language groups! With these two chips inserted into each radio, both the reading of the entire Bible and the J. Vernon McGee Through the Bible teachings can all be listened to on each pocket solar radio. Be inspired as you listen to Allan McGuirl and Tim Whitehead talk about it.