Ida Anderson is a native of Puerto Rico. Doug Keating is an engineer at Boeing Aircraft in St. Louis. They and their respective families are passionate supporters of the K-12 Christian School education experience provided for their children; in particular the school their children attend in St. Louis (MO) County — North County Christian School ( Their support is further fueled by the school’s vision: Investing in Eternity One Student at a Time. Ida and Doug urge other parents, especially in North St. Louis County, to pray about following their example. Established in 1962, NCCS is accredited, respected, and racially diverse. School parents who follow Jesus are assured that each day their Biblical values will be reinforced in the lives of their children at school. Learn more at
North County Christian School received widespread media focus in 2010 through the near-death experience of NCCS graduate Megan Moss, daughter of the school’s elementary school principal Wayne Moss. With the 24-year-old’s life ebbing away in the hospital, Megan’s parents were told that even if a heart became available, it would be too late. Intense intercessory prayer was offered to God! A heart suddenly became available. Megan’s failing heart was removed and replaced. Widespread Local television coverage treated the powerful story very tastefully. Megan is alive, vibrant, and, with many others, praising God! Megan and her father can be heard telling their story in their own words elsewhere on
Ida Anderson Interview