The story of 24-year-old Megan Moss and her need for a new heart received great media attention in the St. Louis, MO region. She and her dad, Wayne (principal of the elementary school of North St. Louis County Christian School), talk about the gripping story: awaiting a donated heart, the medical people finally told her parents that even if it came, it would be too late to save Megan’s life. The parents and friends prayed. Within hours a heart arrived and the operation occurred. Listening to Megan Moss in this radio conversation, recorded just a few weeks after the surgery, is compelling proof that Megan Moss and those who prayed for her were graciously granted a miracle from God.
Megan is herself a graduate of the very fine North County Christian School ( They are hopeful and prayerful that parents who want their children to daily receive biblical values in their education will take a good look … and seriously, prayerfully consider … North County Christian School. They invite your call and/or visit.