In his book “Learning to Soar” (coauthored with his grandson Matt Willis), Dr. Avery Willis ( cites the four cycles in the lives of eagles, drawing fascinating parallels in helping our spiritual growth. This radio discussion examines the first of the four cycles. In the process of hatching and the beginning days of life, the parent eagles prepare their nest be soft and comfortable. When the time nears for the eaglets to learn to fly, “Mom and Dad” create discomfort – making living conditions in the nest rough, prickly, and uncomfortable — for the purpose of getting them out of the nest to eventually “soar.” Get the picture? God often makes our situations uncomfortable and unpleasant … so that he can grow us into the next phase of His will.
Avery Willis is also the author of the MasterLife Discipleship Series, translated into more than 50 languages. After ten years of serving as Director of Overseas Operations for the more than 5,500 missionaries of the International Mission Board, he is now the CEO of the International Orality Network, whose goal is on getting the Gospel of Christ to the world’s majority – those who are primarily oral in tradition, communications, and learning. Currently God is “stirring” Avery’s “nest,” as he is personally dealing with leukemia. Learn more at For Dr. Willis’ explanation of the orality movement and the vital role of “storying” as a part of it, click on