Jerry Wiles, President of Living Water International ( tells of a 1991 group making a short term mission trip to Kenya. They returned with shocking reports of the bad water that many people there routinely consumed because of no available pure drinking water. It underscored the reality that more people die world-wide from diseases resulting from bad drinking water than die from starvation. From that short mission trip Living Water International was born. In these few years of its existence, Living Water has led in the digging of 7,000 pure water wells in poor countries around the world. Due to their great efforts and that of others, the number of people no longer having access to pure drinking water has lowered from 1.2 billion to 800 million, a reduction of 1/3rd worldwide. – This movement has motivated the creation of the Advent Conspiracy (, now an international movement wherein churches and individuals commit to (1) worship fully, (2) spend less, (3) give more, and (4) love all. Many of these Advent Conspiracy participants – by giving more — are partnering with Living Water International in financing the digging of more pure water wells in poor countries worldwide. Thus they are substantially increasing the number of poor people who have access to both pure drinking water and of The “Living Water.” (John 4:10-14).