Cal Thomas tells his compelling story of his impacting life change, how he found meaning in life, and how he fights to protect life. He discusses his experience and worldview in anticipation of his return to the St. Louis, MO area, once again speaking in behalf of all human life…from conception to grave.
The group sponsoring the Cal Thomas visit on Thursday, March 18th — to the East Side of Greater St. Louis, MO and inviting others to be their guests — is “Mosaic Health and Pregnancy Centers” ( There is no charge to attend the banquet. To see the amazing story of its leader Kathy Sparks, click here.
From the Ambassador Speakers Bureau: With a twice-weekly column appearing in over 500 newspapers nationwide, Cal Thomas is the most widely read and one of the most highly regarded voices on the American political scene. He is a panelist on the popular "Fox News Watch" show. His latest book, ‘Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan war that is Destroying America,’ was co-written with Bob Beckel. He and Beckel also write a twice-monthly column for USA Today. A graduate of American University, Thomas is a 40-year veteran of broadcast and print journalism. He is a writer of force and clarity and has authored ten books.