Beautiful, professional ballet portraying the story of The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom’s narrative of her family’s hiding Jews during World War II to save their lives! Such is the work of Ballet Magnificat. Their website — – contains beautiful graphics and film of their Hiding Place production coming to St. Louis, MO March 5 and 6, 2010. Their touring schedule to other cities can also be found there.
(When I visited the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem years ago, I saw the young tree planted there in memory and in appreciation of Corrie Ten Boom. Pictures of the actual hiding place in Haarlem, near Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and the story behind it, can be seen at
From “Ballet Magnificat! is an arts organization dedicated to presenting the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Our professional touring companies perform nationally and internationally, ministering to audiences in the United States as well Canada, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Germany, Singapore, Macedonia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Israel.” Tour Director Erin Beaver talks about Ballet Magnificat and their production of The Hiding Place. To see a most moving 2 ½ minute trailer of it click on .