Tom Lin, Harvard grad, leading InterVarsity staff and students in the Central United States, provides an overview of the upcoming Urbana09 (, Upwards of 20,000 mostly students are anticipated Dec 27 – 31, 2009 at this great missions conference in St. Louis, MO. Plenary sessions are conducted in the Edward Jones Dome where the St. Louis Rams play football. Urbana09 includes plenary sessions for all, scores of breakout groups, nearly 300 ministry-related exhibitors available to help implement life choices for meaningful service, the development of many lifetime friendships and relationships …and much “vision casting” for many ways, modes, and lifestyles for completing the “Great Commission” of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20). Tom reports in this radio interview: “I went to Harvard … and found Jesus!” Sponsored by InterVarsity, he explains Urbana’s beginning and development. Tom’s website: ( is subtitled Students & Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, & World Changers Developed. The site is creative and moving! You should love it.