Penny Nance is the Chief Executive Officer of Concerned Women for America, “…the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. CWA provided a press release just prior to the 2010 Super Bowl regarding the anticipated brief television ad to be shown during the game of Heisman Trophey winner Tim Tebow and his missionary mother. Penny Nance said: In the 3 ½ years I advised FCC [Federal Communications Commission] Chairman Kevin Martin on indecency issues I can’t recall one time that NOW [National Organization for Women] ever spoke out about sexually graphic or misogynistic content on CBS. I find it laughable that NOW has a problem with Tim Tebow sharing his own story…”
The background: Tim Tebow has emerged as a great collegiate football player and role model to millions. During a medically troubled pregnancy, his mother was advised to abort. She didn’t. The result? Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophey winner, quarterback of the University of Florida Gators, always one of the top teams in the country when he was the team’s quarterback. When Focus on the Family found the financing, Tim and his mother were recorded for what is assumed to be a very family friendly, preciousness-of-life statement made for television and the Super Bowl audience, which hardly anyone has seen, including the critics. The National Organization for Women (NOW) and others have brought pressure on CBS (who will televise the game) to cancel the ad. We should all thank the critics, for they have called great attention to the Tim Tebow message and will only increase its viewing…by millions.