On this radio interview Senior Pastor Greg Holder of Windsor Crossing Church (www.wcrossing.org) invites St. Louis, MO area Christian leaders to a November 11 church breakfast … but since has confirmed that baseball great Albert Pujols will be present and help host it. The ultimate focus of the event is the reality that more people in the world die from diseases from bad drinking water than die from starvation. Out of this burden Greg and Windsor Crossing were among the founders of The Advent Conspiracy (www.adventconspiracy.org), a “conspiracy” against big spending in Christmastime gift giving of “things” and “stuff” to each other. Instead, The Advent Conspiracy, now composed of about 100 churches, urges redirected giving for the digging of pure water wells in the world’s poor countries. It is a partnership with Living Water International (www.water.cc) who, since 1991, has been involved in digging 7,000 of such wells. Hearing that Windsor had become very generous in this great pure-water-well-digging effort, I asked Greg, in effect, “how generous?” After pausing, he estimated the church’s total to be between $500,000 and $1,000,000. They have great joy in providing The Living Water…Jesus…with pure drinking water to so many of the world’s poor. Greg Holder is co-author of a just released book, The Advent Conspiracy. Help get the word out re the November 11 continental breakfast, where we learn more of the vision. See www.wcrossing.org for additional information and indicate if we need to call in reservations.