Dave Brede (Bra’ dee), retired high school athletic director, and wife Kim continue their years of co-chairing an enthusiastic St. Louis, MO, local committee, this year 22 couples, preparing for Weekend to Remember (www.weekendtoremember.com). Sponsored by Dennis Rainey’s Family Life Ministries (www.familylife.com), those coming have a choice of two different dates – November 13-15 and 20-22 – in nice St. Louis hotels. How popular and how effective are the WTRs? The “year in and year out” attendance makes a powerful statement. All across the nation more than 100,000 attend each year! Between 1,000 and 2,000 regularly come to the St. Louis WTR’s. Much helpful information can be gleaned on the two websites mentioned above and by listening to Family Life’s daily broadcasts with Dennis Rainey and (Kirkwood, MO high school grad) Bob Lepine on Bott Radio Network’s St. Louis stations KSIV-FM (91.5) and AM (1320) or on the internet (www.bottradionetwork.com). Dave Brede welcomes hearing from you at dkbrede@sbcglobal.net.