Avery Willis depicts inspirational lessons learned from the life cycle of eagles. Eagles are protected at birth with great effort from their parents, have it soft in the beginning, grow into calculated rough learning times generated by their parents, struggle to learn to fly and become independent, and finally learn to soar through and over all that they face. The book, coauthored by Avery Willis with his grandson Matt Willis, is titled: Learning to Soar: How to Grow Through Transitions and Trials, drawing from the inspirational patterns of eagles. It sold out a month before its September 4, 2009 release date, but more copies are being readied.
Dr. Avery Willis, my good friend from our Oklahoma Baptist University days was…
- a missionary in Indonesia, later becoming President of the Indonesian Baptist Seminary;
- author/developer of the MasterLife Discipleship Series, translated into more than 50 languages;
- Vice-President of Overseas Operations of the International Mission Board, administratively overseeing 5,500 foreign missionaries;
- Currently the Chief Executive Officer of the International Orality Network (ION), birthed out of a burden for the world’s primarily oral learners and communicators … aware that if every person in the world were given a Bible in his or her native language, the majority could not read it. For more see www.averywillis.com.