Staggering and Awesome! Thus are some of the descriptions of Rock the River with Franklin Graham under the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO, attended by 65,000 on August 2, 2009. (Some in the National Park Service people – – estimated the crowd to be even larger.) Amid the seven hours of concerts by popular Christian youth bands described at, during the day Franklin Graham presented three clear messages of hope and salvation found in Jesus Christ. With the enormous crowd size, not all spiritual decisions were recorded. But of the recorded commitments Pastor Dr. Bruce McCoy — overseeing the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association-trained counseling and follow-up — summarized the results as follows:
65,000 attendances,
800 plus decisions,
530 salvations,
300 decibels,
100 spf sunscreen,
4 quarts of drinking water,
1 remarkable day!
The names and information of those making commitments to Christ are to be assigned to participating churches and followed up in typical BGEA fashion.
Dr. Bruce McCoy in the pastor of the Canaan Baptist Church in St. Louis County and is the President of the Missouri Baptist Convention.