Felix Snipes is a friend of mine from Jr. High days in Jackson, MS. We went on “Hi-Y” trips together and Saturday night Youth For Christ. We stood side by side in the Billy Graham choir in Tiger Stadium in Jackson. The last night of the extended week of the series of meetings, Felix said to me: “Harold, Come go with me. I want to rededicate my life.” But in reality that was when he really received Christ into his life.
In one of Felix’s ministry meetings out from Forrest, MS (at the time he and I were students at Mississippi College in Clinton, MS), he met Patsy in that small country church, and soon fell in love. I was pleased to be in their wedding. Felix ministered extensively in music evangelism. In later providing music leadership at Percy Ray’s Bible Camp in north Mississippi, he met Charles Stanley. Charles invited Felix to lead music in ministry events in which Charles would preach. The friendship blossomed. When the Snipes moved to Atlanta and were invited to First Baptist Church, Felix was to eventually serve on the search committee seeking an Associate Pastor. His recommended Charles Stanley. The committee moved forward, and Dr. Stanly accepted the church’s “call.” In moving to Atlanta from Florida, Charles, Mrs. Stanley, Becky and Andy lived with Felix and Patsy Snipes for two months while looking for a house. In later becoming senior pastor, God further “raised up” Charles Stanley into his world-wide ministry through radio, TV, and print. Doxology! —
Before being limited by MS, Felix led nearly 1,000 weekend meetings in churches through the USA wherein he would present an expose of the occult on Friday night and perform an old fashioned “slight of hand” magic show on Saturday night (he was a great magician, very amazing and entertaining … and, of course, he concluded his show with a clear presentation of the gospel). On the final Sunday he did more traditional preaching. A high percentage of people without Christ were drawn to such “entertainment” evangelism. Many thousands came to Christ in this great ministry.