Dr. Avery Willis (www.averywillis.com), my friend from our college days together, was approached to be nominated in Indianapolis as the next President of the Southern Baptist Convention, recognized as the nation's largest protestant denomination. At first his inclination was to decline. But after prayer, he consented. His response to coming in third among six candidates? “Relief!” In this interview Avery does not sugarcoat the challenges, problems, and need for revival of the SBC. Avery's remarkable ministry impact is revealed, in part, with the following aspects of his bio: as a missionary became President of the Indonesian Baptist Seminary; authored the MasterLife Discipleship Series, now translated into more than 50 languages and is in more than 100 countries; recognized early Henry Blackaby's impacting ministry, urging and assisting Henry in the publishing of Experiencing God, resulting in the spiritual enrichment of millions around the world; an associate editor of the Discipleship Study Bible; 10 years the Vice-President of Overseas Operations of the International Mission Board of the SBC, administratively overseeing the ministry of more than 5,000 career missionaries around the world; and currently the Executive Director of the International Orality Network (ION), which recognized and formulated a method of Bible Storying to get the Gospel to the majority of the world's population, who primarily learn through listening and speaking rather than by literary means of reading. Most of these points are included in this 'on demand' interview with Avery Willis.
Part 1