In a humorous beginning of the interview, Jennifer O’Neill was asked “ … a burning question: What is it like to costar with John Wayne?” For that is what she did at age 21 in the movie Rio Lobo when “Duke” Wayne was winding down her career. reveals that she had experienced all the fame one could hope for in a lifetime, and yet there was “a hole in my heart.” She wasn’t happy. Appearing on the cover of many major magazines and being a famous and beautiful actress and movie star proved not to be the answer to life. Her conversion to Jesus in her late 30’s gave birth to Jennifer O’Neill Ministries. The delightful interview included Mark Dungan (President and CEO, ThriVe St Louis — Pregnancy Resource Centers — Best Choice SM Sexual Integrity Program) was conducted to invite the listeners to the “ThriVe Gala,” wherein Jenifer O’Neill tells her story as the event’s inspirational speaker. See