Christina Miller is an electrical engineer, a single young woman living in St. Louis with a real desire to visit the Holy Land. When her scheduled tour group canceled before departure, Chris determined to go alone. Steve and (medical doctor) Anita Collins, (friends of Chris’s friends, David and Cortland Hendrick) met her at the Amman, Jordan, Airport. Without knowing anyone, Chris made her way to northern Jordan, crossing the Jordan River into Israel near the Sea of Galilee. She soon rented a car, walked up the hillsides for the moving overview of the Sea where Jesus spent much time, found a hotel each night, and connected with tour groups along the way. She then drove to and spent time in Jerusalem, seeing the major Biblical sights there. On the return leg of her trip, she crossed the Jordan at Jericho, went to the Dead Sea (lowest land surface area in the world) and the top of Mount Nebo (seeing what Moses saw when he viewed the Promised Land just before his death and burial there). With a new lady acquaintance she drive to the rock city of Petra, and on to Acaba at the Red Sea. She boarded her return flight at Amman…after having experienced “…the time of my life!” Chris reports being asked time and again by the local people: “Why aren’t the Americans coming back to see us?” She reports feeling completely safe and secure throughout the journey. Christina Miller may well return to Israel and the Feast of Tabernacles ( in late September with a developing group led by Harold and Joan Hendrick. Hear Christina share her exciting report in her own words.