Jan Willem van der Hoeven, a recent guest in St. Louis, MO “is the founder of different ministries in Israel and Holland. He was born in The Netherlands where his father was private secretary to Queen Juliana. He studied in London where he obtained his Bachelor of Divinity Degree from the London University. Jan Willem has lived in the Middle East for more than 35 years, and currently resides in Jerusalem together with his family. Both his children have served in the Israeli Army. Initially he traveled widely through the Arab world, and later became the Custodian of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem (1968 – 1975), where he spoke to thousands upon thousands of people at the site of the Empty Tomb. He is the founder of The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) in Israel, and is today director of The International Christian Zionist Center (ICZC), which has been established to stimulate and activate world wide Christian interest in, and support for, the State and people of Israel …” When Jan was the custodian or overseer of the Garden Tomb, believed by millions to be the actual tomb where Jesus was buried and from which He was resurrected, Joan and I (Harold) as tourists heard him give a passionate message explaining the biblical events that occurred there. Jan hopes that many of us will visit Israel and join him at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem (see www.israelmybeloved.com) in late September and early October of 2007. Joan and I have been asked to lead a group to this feast of tabernacles in Jerusalem. We are making plans to do so. Email us if you would like more information.